On July 2, 2008 Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts signed the Green Communities Act into law, a bill that put "Massachusetts at the forefront of clean energy policies and the development of alternative fuel sources." Governor Patrick said after signing the bill, "this legislation will reduce electric bills, promote the development of renewable energy, and stimulate the clean energy industry that is taking root here in the Commonwealth." (What a smart man!)
As a result of signing the Green Communities Act into law The Department of Energy Resources' Green Communities Designation and Grant Program was established. Today, this program has named 21 new cities and towns that will now be eligible for over $3.7 million in grants for local renewable power and energy efficiency projects. These 21 cities and towns join 53 other municipalities that have received funding from this program over the past 3 years. The cities and towns receive these grants only after meeting five "clean energy benchmarks," one of which is requiring the city to purchase only fuel-efficient vehicles for municipal use. The grants, capped at $1 million, and based at $125,000, are funded through auctions of carbon emissions permits.
Governor Deval Patrick stated today, "We are making real progress in achieving a clean energy future for the Commonwealth, one community at a time. These investments encourage energy savings, create jobs and protect our environment - boosting our economy and improving our quality of life." It is encouraging to see the Massachusetts Governor so enthusiastic about this program, I only hope that Governors all over the country look to this state for inspiration on how to spur growth in their own communities.
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